Friday, August 22, 2014

You Want Me To Do What?

Obedience.  That is a word that I tend to reserve solely for children.  But the reality is that we are all children, God’s children.  Just like we expect obedience from our own children, so God expects obedience from us.

In Jeremiah 7:23 The Lord says, “Obey me, and I will be your God and you will be my people.  Walk in obedience to all I command you, that it may go well with you.”

Instead of obedience though, I sometimes want to compromise with God.  If He does what I ask (or need) then I will do what He asks.  “God, if you heal me, then I will lead that Sunday School class.”   Have you ever done something like that? 
God doesn’t want compromises though, especially when it comes to our hearts and allegiance to Him.  These past two years, God has really been working with us on our obedience.  It has been a process of stretching us, searching our hearts, and bringing us to a point of submission to His will.  Once we are submitted, then and only then can God really go somewhere with us. 

1 Samuel 15:22 says, “Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying to voice of the Lord?  To obey is better than sacrifice.”

Sometimes obeying does mean sacrificing though.  I realize that in that passage Samuel is referring to the literal action of a sacrifice, but it is still relevant to us today.  For me, selling my house (favorite house ever!) is an act of obedience AND a sacrifice.   Being submitted to God and being obedient to his call often means valuing the things of God not of man.  We will all be sacrificing in this missions process: us, our kids, parents, grandparents, sisters and brothers, etc. 

However, what we give up in the process pales in comparison to the delight that The Lord receives from our obedience. 

What is God asking you to do today?


  1. Excited to see how God supplies! And understanding how He asks us to give up our well loved home for something far better....obedience! I enjoy the blog too!

  2. So good, Brinks!! May I share this post with some friends?

  3. Hi Brittany. Great to hear from you! Yes, you may share. Thanks!
